Are you curious about how Amazon manages the punctuality and attendance of its vast workforce? Welcome to the Amazon Point System world, where efficiency meets accountability.
In this digital era, where e-commerce giant Amazon reigns as one of the most profitable IT companies globally, the meticulous control of employee attendance is no small feat.
The Amazon Point System is designed to keep track of employee attendance and punctuality, but it’s not just about recording late arrivals or absences. While promoting smart work and dedication, this system can sometimes be a source of concern for Amazon employees.
Imagine the pressure of knowing that you’re just a few points away from potential disciplinary action or even termination.
In the following article, we’ll delve further into how the Amazon point system works, why it’s in place, and what employees can do to ensure they remain well within the limits in place.

Key takeaways
- Amazon’s Point System enforces attendance, with 6-7 points as a threshold for concern and 20 points potentially leading to termination.
- Sick leave is protected, and UPT can cover missed shifts, but Amazon points may accrue if not managed properly.
- Unique Amazon rules, like strict water bottle guidelines and fast-paced work expectations, emphasize efficiency and discipline.
- Amazon points do expire after 90 days, encouraging employees to maintain a clean attendance record within this timeframe.
Amazon point system
The Amazon Point System is a meticulously structured attendance and punctuality policy employed by Amazon to maintain workforce discipline and productivity. This system assigns points to employees for infractions related to attendance, tardiness, and adherence to company rules. Its primary aim is to ensure that employees arrive on time, work consistently, and follow Amazon’s guidelines effectively.
The Amazon Point System operates by monitoring various aspects of employee attendance and performance. Employees are expected to arrive on time for their shifts, and any late arrivals result in the accumulation of points.
For instance, being 15 minutes to 2 hours late can lead to the deduction of 3 points, while arriving up to 15 minutes late incurs 1 or 1.5 points.
Absences without proper notification are also penalized. Missing a shift without prior notice can result in 1.5 points, and unexcused absences for one or several consecutive days can lead to an assessment of 5 points.
Amazon maintains a tiered warning system as part of the Point System. Employees who accumulate points through repeated infractions receive verbal and written warnings, with termination becoming possible if the point limit is exceeded.
For instance, reaching 10 points prompts a verbal warning, while 15 or more points may result in a written warning. Employees who amass 20 points within a year face termination.
Amazon employees need to adhere to these rules, as excessive points can lead to the risk of losing their jobs. While the Point System may seem stringent, it serves as a mechanism to ensure operational efficiency and maintain employee accountability within the company.
How and when does Amazon assign points?
Let’s delve into how and when Amazon assigns points to its employees, as it plays a crucial role in ensuring workforce punctuality and adherence to company policies.
Amazon places a strong emphasis on regular attendance and punctuality. To achieve its operational goals, non-exempt employees are expected to maintain consistent attendance. Here’s how Amazon assigns points for attendance-related issues:
- Absence: When an employee misses one or multiple consecutive workdays for a specific reason or arrives two or more hours late without prior notice, they are considered absent. In such cases of unauthorized absence, the employee accrues 5 points.
- Late Arrivals: Employees who arrive at work 15 minutes to 2 hours late receive a deduction of 3 points.
- Tardiness: Arriving up to 15 minutes late from the scheduled time results in the accumulation of 1 or 1.5 points.
Amazon also employs a disciplinary system for employees who violate company rules, which can lead to point accumulation. Here’s how it works:
- Verbal Warning: When an employee amasses 10 points through rule violations, Amazon issues them a verbal warning.
- Written Warning: Employees who accumulate 15 or more points receive a written warning as the next level of disciplinary action.
- Termination: If an employee’s points exceed the defined limit, totaling 20 points within a year, Amazon may terminate their employment.
Leave Laws:
Even when employees need to take leave for legal reasons, such as the Family and Medical Leave Act or other federally protected leaves, they must follow the company’s absence notification policy. Failure to provide proper notice of absence can result in disciplinary actions as outlined above.
Understanding how and when Amazon assigns points is crucial for employees to navigate the company’s attendance and punctuality policies effectively while maintaining a strong employment record.
Also, Read: Amazon Leave Of Absence Policy
How many points do you need to be fired from Amazon?

Let’s explore the threshold that triggers employment concerns and potential job loss.
Employees need to be mindful of their accumulated points to maintain good standing within Amazon’s Point System. Here’s what you need to know:
The critical point: Accumulating six or seven points due to infractions and rule violations is often the point at which Amazon considers taking disciplinary action. Continuous disregard for attendance and punctuality expectations can risk an employee’s job.
The termination point: It becomes critical if an employee’s points surpass the defined limit and reach 20 points within a year. At this stage, Amazon may make the difficult decision to terminate the employee.
Understanding this point system is essential for employees, as it highlights the fine line between maintaining their jobs and facing potential termination. It underscores the importance of adhering to Amazon’s attendance policies to ensure job security and career longevity within the company.
How Does Amazon’s Point System Work for Sick Days?
Now, let’s take a closer look at how Amazon’s Point System operates concerning sick days, as it’s an aspect that often raises questions among employees.
Sick Leave Entitlement:
Within a given year, Amazon employees are entitled to take up to 80 hours of leave for health-related reasons. This equates to approximately ten sick days per year for full-time employees. However, there are specific conditions and policies that apply to sick leave under the Point System.
Sick Leave Within 90 Days:
Within the first 90 days of employment at Amazon, employees are entitled to take up to 20 hours of sick leave without incurring any points or disciplinary actions. This allows new employees to address health issues without jeopardizing their job security during their initial employment stages.
Points and Sick Leave Beyond 90 Days:
After the initial 90 days, the regular Point System rules apply. If an employee takes sick leave for more than 20 hours within a three-month period, they may incur points, depending on their specific circumstances and adherence to the company’s absence notification policy.
It’s important to note that Amazon distinguishes between sick leave taken within the initial 90 days, where employees are protected from accruing points, and sick leave taken beyond this probationary period, which may be subject to the Point System’s rules.
Understanding these nuances can help Amazon employees navigate their sick leave policies effectively and make informed decisions about their health-related absences.
Does Amazon really fire me after 6 points?

The answer is not a straightforward “yes.” Amazon’s Point System is designed to maintain employee accountability and discipline, but it also allows for certain considerations. Here’s what you need to know:
While accumulating 6 points can raise red flags and result in disciplinary action, such as verbal and written warnings, it doesn’t automatically mean termination. The critical point for potential termination usually comes when an employee accumulates 20 points within a year.
This is the point at which Amazon may seriously consider ending an employee’s tenure. However, it’s essential to recognize that Amazon evaluates each case individually.
If you continuously accumulate 6 points over a three-month period or exhibit a pattern of repeated violations, it could increase the likelihood of termination. On the other hand, if you make efforts to improve your attendance and punctuality, Amazon may consider this in your favor.
So, while 6 points may not guarantee immediate termination, taking the Point System seriously is crucial. Maintaining good attendance and adhering to company policies to secure your job at Amazon is crucial. Understanding the rules and striving for better punctuality can help you steer clear of employment concerns.
What happens if an employee misses a shift at Amazon?
Now, let’s explore the scenario of what happens when an Amazon employee misses a shift. It’s a situation that can have consequences, and it’s important to understand how Amazon handles it.
Consequences of Missing a Shift:
Missing a scheduled shift at Amazon can result in the accumulation of points under the company’s Point System. Here’s a breakdown of the point allocation for missed shifts:
- 1.5 Points: Employees who miss a shift without a valid reason or proper notification typically receive 1.5 points. This reflects Amazon’s emphasis on the importance of attendance and punctuality.
Using UPT (Unpaid Time Off):
Amazon provides employees with a specific type of leave known as Unpaid Time Off (UPT). Employees who have accrued enough UPT hours can use this leave to cover missed shifts. However, having sufficient UPT hours in your balance is important to avoid accumulating points for missed shifts.
Understanding how UPT works and planning ahead for unexpected situations can help employees navigate missed shifts without incurring points. It’s crucial to follow Amazon’s policies and communicate any absence or late arrival in accordance with company guidelines to minimize the impact on your attendance record.
Can Employees Get Fired From Amazon for Taking Sick Leave?
The answer is generally no. Like many responsible employers, Amazon recognizes the need for employees to take sick leave when necessary to recover from illness or attend to health-related matters. Here’s how it typically works:
Sick Leave Protection: Amazon typically does not terminate employees for taking sick leave within the allotted time frames and in accordance with the company’s policies. In fact, they provide a specific allowance of up to 80 hours per year for health-related leave, equating to around ten sick days for full-time employees.
Protection for Sick Leave Under Specific Laws: Employees may be protected by laws such as the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) or other state or federally-protected leave laws. These laws ensure job protection for eligible employees who need to take leave for specific medical and family reasons.
However, employees must follow specific conditions and policies to protect their sick leave. These may include providing appropriate notice for absence, following medical certification procedures, and adhering to company-specific guidelines.
In summary, Amazon generally does not terminate employees for taking legitimate sick leave within the allotted time frames and in compliance with relevant laws and company policies. Sick leave is an important benefit that ensures employees can prioritize their health without fear of losing their jobs.
Also, Read: How long does it take to get hired at Amazon
Do Amazon points expire?

The answer is yes. Amazon points do have an expiration mechanism. Here’s how it typically works:
Expiration Period: Points earned by Amazon employees are subject to an expiration period. Generally, these points remain on an employee’s record for 90 days. This means that any points accumulated will automatically expire after this 90-day period.
Benefit of Expiration: The expiration of points is designed to give employees an opportunity to improve their attendance record over time. It allows individuals to work towards maintaining a clean attendance slate and avoid the risk of accumulating points that could lead to disciplinary action.
Continuous Assessment: Amazon’s Point System assesses employee attendance and punctuality within this 90-day window. Any points that are older than 90 days are typically no longer considered when evaluating an employee’s record.
While Amazon points do have an expiration mechanism, it’s essential for employees to remain vigilant about their attendance and strive to maintain a favorable record by avoiding point accumulation. This understanding can help employees manage their attendance effectively and work towards a clean slate within the designated time frame.
What is Amazon’s point system?
Amazon’s point system is a way to track employee attendance and tardiness. Employees are assigned points for each absence or tardy incident. The number of points an employee receives depends on the severity of the incident. For example, an employee who is late for their shift will receive one point, while an employee who misses an entire day of work will receive two points.
How many points do I get for missing a day at Amazon?
You will receive two points if you miss an entire day of work at Amazon. This is the same number of points you would receive for being late for your shift three times.
What happens if an employee misses a shift at Amazon?
An employee who misses a shift at Amazon will receive one point. If an employee accumulates four points, they will receive a verbal warning. If an employee accumulates eight points, they will be terminated.
Do Amazon points expire?
Yes, Amazon points expire after 90 days. This means that any points you have accumulated will be reset to zero after these days.
The Amazon Point System is a meticulously designed attendance and punctuality policy that plays a vital role in the company’s operations. It ensures that employees arrive on time, work consistently, and adhere to Amazon’s guidelines effectively.
While the system assigns points for various infractions, it’s crucial to understand that accumulating points doesn’t necessarily lead to immediate termination.
Employees need to be mindful of their point balance, as reaching 20 points within a year can raise concerns about job security. However, Amazon evaluates each case individually, considering factors like patterns of behavior and improvement efforts.
Moreover, the system recognizes the importance of sick leave and protects employees who use it responsibly.
Additionally, Amazon enforces specific rules to maintain efficiency and discipline within its workforce, such as restrictions on water bottles, expectations for fast work, and guidelines for social interaction.
Finally, employees should be aware that Amazon points have an expiration mechanism, typically lasting for 90 days, allowing them to improve their attendance record over time.
Understanding and adhering to the Amazon Point System and its related policies are crucial for employees to maintain job security and succeed within this dynamic and highly efficient work environment.