When it comes to importing goods into a country, specific requirements must be met. One of these requirements is the item present to import customs declaration, which provides details of the goods being brought into the country.

This declaration helps customs officials to determine whether the goods meet the relevant regulations and standards and whether any taxes or duties need to be paid.

Understanding the item present to import customs declaration is crucial for anyone involved in international trade, as failure to comply with customs regulations can lead to delays, fines, and even the confiscation of goods.

This article will explain the item present to import customs declaration, why it is important, and how it works.

Key Takeaways

  • “Item Presented to Import Customs” status is a routine process, not a sign of trouble.
  • Inadequate documentation or tax payments can cause delays in customs clearance.
  • Shipping companies use this phrase to inform customers of delays beyond their control.
  • Keep track of your shipment’s status to ensure it’s handled properly and take any necessary action.
What does Item Present to Import Customs mean

What does Item Present to Import Customs mean?

When a shipment is marked as “Item Presented to Import Customs,” it has been submitted for inspection by customs before landing in the target country. It doesn’t necessarily indicate something problematic with the package; it’s just a status.

Regardless of your chosen career, a package must pass through customs when it reaches the target country. This is a standard process, not a sign that a particular item has been picked out for a mistake or trouble.

What reasons behind presenting import customs?

There are several reasons behind presented to import customs, as follows:

Paperwork Problems

Incorrect or inadequate documentation is a potential issue that might keep your shipment stopped on the “Item Presented to Import Customs” update.

The shipper is clearly in the package of this, but whenever information is needed, they must be called. The sender or recipient will often be contacted by major providers if clearance data is required.

Delays & Backlog in Customs

The mere fact that your shipment has been presented to import customs does not imply that inspectors are now in possession of it and conducting an inspection. It will initially be added to a line of shipments that need to be inspected.

Taxes or customs duties

When customs duty and tax are overdue, the recipient in the target country will be informed. 

If payment is due, your shipment will remain in the “Item Presented to Import Customs” update. In short, customs won’t hand the goods back to the carrier unless the payment is paid.

How Does the “Item Presented to Import Customs” Update Work?

You will receive a status notification stating “Item returned from import customs” and “Customs Clearance Processing Complete” after the item has been cleared through customs.

Following that, the package will be given to the carrier in the country of destination, who will be in charge of the following stage of the route. 

Usually, this entails moving the shipment to a hub facility where it will be organized before being sent to a location closer to the final address. The product will then be loaded into a vehicle for delivery at its destination.

Why Do Shipping Companies Use the Phrase “Item Presented to Import Customs”?

Most significant carriers want to be upfront about when, where, and why delays are happening, particularly when those delays are beyond their hands. Packages can be delayed significantly at customs.

The carrier is letting you know that progress has been achieved by sending you this message, but further advancement might not be possible for a while. More significantly, they’re demonstrating that the delay is not their responsibility.


The status notice that reads “Item Presented to Import Customs” is irrelevant. It is merely a routine process; your cargo has not been picked out for scanning for any clear purpose. 

To ensure that the package is being handled properly and to determine whether any more action is required, it is advisable to keep a watch on the tracking. I hope this post answers all of your questions.

Alexandra Navara

Alexandra Navara is a seasoned logistics expert with over 7 years of industry experience. Holding a degree in Logistics and Supply Chain Management, she excels in writing insightful, engaging content on courier services. Certified as a Supply Chain Professional, Alexandra brings depth and clarity to complex logistics topics.

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